Fences Completed in 2021
- -Robertson Way
- -Robertson Crescent
- -Robertson Way Side Fence
- -Corner of Johnny Bright School
- -127 Street and 15 Avenue until the first mailbox (left and right-hand side)
- -120A Street and 19 Avenue Alleyway -120A Street and 19 Ave (Corner)
- -19 Ave and 119A Street (Removed Graffiti)
- -Rutherford Point Inlet (Both sides of the walkway Fence)
- -James Mowatt Rd -Metal fences in three different location
- -https://maps.app.goo.gl/wge6dtunVdqWS55t9, https://maps.app.goo.gl/19HBzTtDXNcD4LtG6, https://maps.app.goo.gl/tUQGsif8zoKvc8Rw6
- -119A Street and 20 Ave (Reattached a post)
LANDSCAPING: The landscaping at all the entrances has also been completed. The Board and Group Three are working with the City of Edmonton to take over landscaping responsibility at these entrances.
RUTHERFORD MERIDIAN TREES: In 2020 – 29 trees were planted by the City of Edmonton Seven trees are scheduled for removal in Winter 2021 because they did not make it, and an additional 60 trees are remaining.
BRICK CAPS: The West Rutherford replaced four deteriorating brick caps in the neighborhood. Here are the Before and After pictures.
The WRHOA Board of Directors has been working with EPCOR on eliminating duckweed in the North Rutherford Pond. EPCOR launched a pilot project where they installed an aerator in the pond to help clear the duckweed that is currently present there.
In the AGM Packages there will be an Architectural Guideline for Roofs included in the package. This was developed by the Board of Directors to help Owners when it comes time to replacing your roof on knowing what color and type of roof to move forward with. If Homeowners have questions regarding roof replacement they can always reach out to the West Rutherford HOA at info@westrutherford.com or 780-577-1420.